Does your child hate TummyTime? There's a reason...
Jan 11, 2021If there's one controversial topic that an Anat Baniel Method® Practitioner is passionate about... it's probably the case AGAINST tummytime.
Yikes... hear me out...
There are soooo many reasons to STOP and think about why we are putting babies in a position they can't get into or out of on their own (for the idea that it will help them gain new skills or to prevent flat head).
If left to their own self-initiated movements, most neurotypical children will develop the skill of rolling over onto and out of their tummy ON THEIR OWN.
All that's needed is lots of time on the floor in a safe space to wiggle and explore how their own bodies move through gravity.
The idea of TummyTime originated after the back-to-sleep program (see blog post on Janet Lansbury.com) to counteract the amount of time babies were spending either sleeping on their backs, or spending too much time in restrictive carriers.
This isn't to bash modern realities or parenting. We live in a world where safe sleeping, carseats and strollers are necessary, but next time there's a choice between leaving baby in the stroller or have them playing safely on your lap while chatting with a friend at the park, choose your lap (or the floor) more often than the device.
If baby is awake, they have important work to do on the floor. Wiggling and exploring and gathering up sensory information about how their own bodies move.
More time in restrictive devices equals less time gathering the sensory information developing brains NEED.
Experiencing safe, dynamic, rich movements is the KEY to our development. We are built to experience life THROUGH movement.
Our jobs as parents is to provide our kids with as many safe opportunities to explore their own SELF-INITIATED movements.
Our jobs aren't to force our babies into an unpleasant experience they just aren't ready for (tummytime), or to take away access to movement in safe spaces (too long in devices).
Stay tuned this week for more ideas of what safe and supportive movements can look like.
Keep Exploring Movement!
XO Jen
Pssst... When you are ready, here are three ways I can help you use slow, gentle movements to access your child's brain and create change...
1. Learn The secret to Head Control in Tummy Time:
Watch free video on my YouTube channel!
2. Learn 3 Everyday Movements to increase Head Control: Click Here
3. Looking for ideas to help your child with special needs self-initiate more movement? Click Here