Tired of constantly stretching your child, but aren't seeing results
(or worse, your child hates stretching because it hurts)...

I was too, that's why I created the guided videos to:


Reduce Spasticity in the Legs and Feet 

made for parents with children with...
Developmental Delays, Cerebral Palsy, Genetic Disorders, Autism, Brain Injuries


 Guided videos with gentle exercises to reduce spasticity in the legs and feet, increase balance and coordination for parents with children with...

Developmental Delays, Cerebral Palsy, Genetic Disorders, Autism, Brain Injuries


What videos are waiting inside the Reduce Spasticity for the Legs and Feet?

Reduce Spasticity in the Arms and Legs

  • 4 guided videos showing you the gentle exercises your child's brain needs to reduce spasticity in the Legs and Feet. 
  • Instead of focussing on stretching, learn the exercises to help your child's brain organize the coordination of their muscles to contract or release.

Demo Guided Video

  • Follow along with the guided video for the exact movements used to reduce spasticity in the legs and feet for this client.
  • Listen to my thought process with all my tips and bonus movements, for better understanding, so you can apply them to your own child.

Demo Guided Video

  • Follow along with the guided video for the exact movements used to reduce spasticity for this client.
  • Listen to my thought process with all my tips and bonus movements, for better understanding, so you can apply them to your own child.

by working WITH your child's brain
(instead of against it)


Let's Recap... Here's Everything You're Getting Today!

The Reduce Spasticity Program gives you gentle, respectful movements, your child actually enjoys to create connection, engagement and natural learning.

No more guessing how to help them, googling different exercises, or over-riding their own autonomy.

What's waiting inside: 

Reduce Spasticity for the Arms and Legs 
8 guided videos 
(Valued at $400)

Reduce Toe Walking 
3 Guided Videos 
(Valued at $150)

BONUS Arm AND Leg Movements 
8 Guided Videos 
(Valued at $400)

Total Value = $950


Yes! I want to get started NOW! >>

What other families are saying...

"He can breathe easier and he's so relaxed!"
- Darlene

"The movements feel good and allow me to keep walking!"
- Jordan

Hi I'm Jen!

I help parents access the remarkable potential of their child's brain through movement, so that they can reach their next milestone. 

I'm a mom of three (one with a rare genetic disorder) and these are the simple movements I wish I’d known how to do when she was first diagnosed.

Before I became an Anat Baniel Method® Practitioner, we were given a LOT of repetitive exercises that were time consuming, my daughter didn't like and we just weren't seeing results. 

Once I understood that movement is organized by the brain and started changing a few simple, everyday movements, my daughter started changing. We began to notice: better balance, less back-arching, better sleep, and more emotional regulation.

This all helped her to build on what she was able to do, to reach her next milestones again and again. 

Come explore movement right at home, while helping your child reach their potential!

Just know that your child's potential is within your reach right now...

More families helping their children move with less spasticity and more ease and balance, right at home...



Simple, gentle movements you can do right at home in only minutes per day.
YOU can help your child rewire their brain to reduce spasticity, improve balance, coordination and help them reach their potential.