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The MindfullMovement Program
Exercises as gentle and respectful as your parenting style
Support your child's natural development
for parents with children with disabilities and/or developmental delays
GET STARTED NOW >>The MindfullMovement Program is for you if:
- You've ever taken your child to an Anat Baniel Method Practitioner and wanted to know what they were doing.
- You're frustrated with traditional PT or OT, because you're not seeing results.
- Your child doesn't enjoy therapy.
- You want to learn what you can do at home to support your child's natural development.
- Want your child to experience joy of movement.

This is NOT for you if:

- You're looking for a quick fix.
- You believe in no pain, no gain.
- You don't care about your child's autonomy, you just want them to catch up to their peers.
- You think change will only happen if you spend hours every day working hard with your child.
I've been where you are...
I searched for YEARS to find a brain-based, respectful therapy program for my daughter (born with a rare genetic disorder).
We had so many disappointing experiences with traditional therapies.
“Don’t worry, we can still exercise them while they cry.”
“I’ve never worked with a child with spasticity AND low tone.”
“I don’t work with kids who are so developmentally delayed.”
“No pain, no gain.” (Is this REALLY how we expect infants to learn new skills??!?!?!)
I Googled, I scoured Youtube, I read mommy blogs.
I KNEW there had to be a therapy that got to the root of my daughter’s development - I knew that accessing her BRAIN was the key (instead of exercising and stretching muscles).
Then I found the Anat Baniel Method® and everything changed.
- Finally a modality that put the brain AND the child first.
- Finally a modality that used gentle, respectful movements.
- Finally a modality that engaged my daughter.
- Finally a modality that saw my daughter for what she was, not what needed to be fixed.
BUT… there was a problem
There were NO practitioners in my area at that time. I had to take a 3 hour flight to Toronto by myself, leaving my other child behind and fundraised the cost.
Despite the incredible effort, it was worth it, and we saw huge changes (Better sleep, balance, coordination and engagement. My daughter was waking up to the world around her!).
But it wasn’t sustainable.
Our family couldn’t afford the time or cost to fly to Toronto more than twice a year.
I searched for online support in between lessons. There was nothing at that time.
Fast forward 3 more years and I took the plunge and took the training to become a practitioner.
2 years, $30K+ later, I now have the skills to help my own child at home and the families in my community.
While the incredible cost of time, energy and money to make the training happen for me was worth it, I remember being that lost, frustrated, depressed mom, desperately searching the internet for support.
That’s why I created the online MindfullMovement Program.
- For the moms just starting the journey.
- For the moms who just got the diagnosis.
- For the moms searching for a respectful, gentle movement therapy.
- For moms searching for support at home.
- For moms overwhelmed with their daily responsibilities who can’t (or just don’t have the time, energy, financial resources) to see a practitioner as often as their child needs.
EVERY family deserves to learn simple brain-based movements to help their child reach their potential.
The MindfullMovement Program is as simple and as affordable as possible, so EVERY family can access it and start to see changes in their child right from home.
YOU really can support your child at home, in just minutes a day, by accessing the potential of their brain through slow, gentle movements.
Come join us!
xo Jen
Connect your child to the joy of movement!
while also helping to:
reduce spasticity, increase balance and coordination and reach new milestones
Gentle exercises showing you how to support your child's natural development through these milestones:

Head Control
- Instead of focussing on neck muscle strength, learn the exercises to help your child's brain organize their WHOLE body (which will help build the foundation for their next milestones)

Rolling Over
How the Pelvis and the Head help with rolling and the exercises that will help.

Bearing Weight
- The brain learns how to Bearing Weight waaaaay before we can sit or stand on their own.
- Often our kids are just missing some pieces of experience in earlier stages, that we can fill in through these gentle exercises.

Army Crawling
- Our brain learns how to move our bodies forward through gravity, long before we have enough skills to stand upright.
- Explore these simple exercises to start filling in the gaps for your child's brain to propel themselves forward.

- Sitting is more than just one position. Help your child learn how to transition into and out of sitting on their own.

Learning to Stand
- Standing isn't just having a strong core, it's about our brains organizing our whole body in standing.
Plus BONUS Sections!

BONUS #1: Reduce Spasticity without Stretching Program
Learn how to support your child's brain (instead of fighting against it) and then add in the right type of gentle variation that your child's brain needs to reorganize their movement patterns for LESS spasticity and more ease and coordination.

BONUS #2: Movements to Improve Scoliosis
3 gentle movements your child's brain needs to reorganize their movement patterns and improve scoliosis and mobility (and decrease pain)

Tap into your child's SELF motivation and desire to explore their OWN movements. Using these 3 simple steps you will be able to create a learning moment out of ANY activity that you do with your child so they become LIFELONG learners and continue to reach their next milestone and their next.

BONUS #4: Live Zoom Classes
Along with the training, you'll also receive invitations to live group Zoom Classes to ask me questions and connect with other parents just like yourself.
All replays are inside the program for you to watch on demand.

- STEP 1 - Better Head Control (Valued at $297)
- STEP 2 - Learn to Roll Over (Valued at $297)
- STEP 3 - Bearing Weight (Valued at $297)
- STEP 3 - Army Crawling (Valued at $297)
- STEP 5 - Independent Sitting (Valued at $397)
- STEP 6 - Foundations of Standing (and Better Balance) (Valued at $297)
- BONUS 1 - Over 100 Movement Variations to fill in the gaps your child's brain needs to reach their next milestone (Valued at $2000)
- BONUS 2 - Reduce Spasticity without Stretching Program (Valued at $197)
- BONUS 3 - Improve Scoliosis Workshop (Valued at $99)
- BONUS 4 - Your Child's Self Agency (Valued at $197)
- BONUS 5 - Free invite to all Live Zoom Classes (PRICELESS)
Total Value = $4375
REG: $1499 USD
Now Only: $795 USD
✔️ Immediate Access to the full Library of Guided Videos
(everything listed above!)
✔️ Work with your child's brain
✔️ Support your child's self agency and physical development
✔️ Learn what your ABM practitioner is thinking and how you can support your child at home in between lessons
What other parents are saying...
Meet Rea, a mom living Greece, unable to see any practitioners in person.
In just 4 short months of joining the MindfullMovement Program and following the videos when it fits into her day, she's seen incredible changes in her son.

Imagine exploring brain-based movements with your child from the comfort of your own home.
How would you feel knowing that your home movement therapy will never hurt or scare your child, instead empower and engage them?
What would the future look like knowing that you have the skills to access the potential of your child's brain?
This is what the MindfullMovement Program can do for you...
Simple, gentle movements you can do right at home in only minutes per day.
YOU can help your child rewire their brain to improve balance, coordination and help them reach their potential.

Hi I'm Jen!
I help parents access the remarkable potential of their child's brain through movement, so that they can reach their next milestone.
I'm a mom of three (one with a rare genetic disorder) and these are the simple movements I wish I’d known how to do when she was first diagnosed.
Before I knew about Brain-Based Movements, we were given a LOT of repetitive exercises that were time consuming, my daughter didn't like and we just weren't seeing results.
Once I understood that movement is organized by the brain and started changing a few simple, everyday movements, my daughter started changing. We began to notice: better balance, less back-arching, better sleep, and more emotional regulation.
This all helped her to build on what she was able to do, to reach her next milestones again and again.
Come explore movement right at home, while helping your child reach their potential!
Your child's potential is within your reach...
What if my child doesn't like physical therapy?
When do I get access to the program and resources?
Will it work for my child?
What if I decide this isn't for me?
How much time will this require?
What if I need some extra help or support?
My programs are neither affiliated with, nor sponsored or endorsed by, Anat Baniel or the Anat Baniel Method®.
Disclaimer: This content is for educational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on for health or personal advice. If you have any questions or concerns about the health of your child, yourself or a family member, always seek advice from your medical professional. The content on this website does not substitute, supercede or replace the advice of a medical processional. Never disregard the advice of a medical professional, or delay seeking professional medical advice because of something you have seen on this website.