Watch the free video:
Reduce Hand Spasticity
with this gentle exercise
for children with cerebral palsy, brain injury or developmental delays
WITHOUT stretching, boring repetition, or pain
Have you ever wondered...
(because I sure did!)
- Stretching can be painful for your child and it's a battle of guilty feelings and wondering if there's another, more gentle, and respectful way.
- You regularly do exercises with your child, but aren't seeing much change because the fact is muscles don’t contract or let go on their own… our brain’s control our muscles...
- You wonder if there are exercises that your child actually enjoys, are respectful and you can do in just a few minutes throughout your day.
- You're tired of dragging your kids to appointment after appointment, and wonder if there were simple, gentle exercises you could do at home and get even better results.
Fortunately... there are gentle exercises you can do right at home, to decrease spasticity.
What other parents are saying...

Hi, I'm Jen!
I'm so happy you are here!

Watch the free video:
Reduce Hand Spasticity
with this gentle exercise
for children with cerebral palsy, brain injury or developmental delays
WITHOUT stretching, boring repetition, or pain