$29 USD - Better Head Control

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Better Head Control

Use gentle, brain-based movements to improve your child's head control.

  • 3 step-by-step videos showing you exactly how to increase head control right at home
  • BONUS - Replay live Zoom Class - follow other parents as I guide them through simple movements for better head control
  • Lifetime access to the videos, so you can watch whenever you want
  • Gentle, everyday movements to prepare your child for their next milestone
  • Money-back guarantee

Let's explore head control and the head-spine-pelvis connection!

Rather than limit ourselves to just a few exercises for core muscle strength, learn a comprehensive approach that considers the entire development of your child.

Our amazing brains thrive on variation, which it needs to be able to coordinate head control in different positions (rolling over, crawling and sitting).

So, let's shift our focus from only strength training, to understanding the broader picture of how the brain's ability to coordinate head control plays a vital role in your child's overall development.

In this Better Head Control series, I'll be sharing practical ways to introduce variation into your existing movements, providing your child's brain with diverse experiences that directly contribute to better head control.

This first MiniMove is so simple, but can have a huge impact: instead of lifting your child straight up, try rolling them through the side. This aligns with the natural developmental stages of the brain and encourages more efficient movement while setting the stage for their next milestone.


How the Pelvis helps with Head Control!

Follow along with this gentle exercise to 'free' the pelvis (to help your child's brain map alllll the wonderful movements the pelvis can do!).

This 3D movement in the pelvis is the foundation for almost every single movement (and milestone). The more 'freedom' of movement in the pelvis, the better coordinated and balanced we are in every position and transition.


If you snuggle with your child on the couch (while watching TV or reading a book) chances are this will be the second simplest movement for better Head Control! See the first video in this series for the easiest movement! 

If your child is larger and doesn't fit on your lap anymore, I give an alternative position near the end. 

So many GOLD nuggets in this Q&A! Highly recommend watching this one the whole way through. 

Such great questions from parents: 

1:25 - What to do if you don't feel any movement in the Pelvis? 

14:10 - Is it ok if my child is on the Ipad (or distracted) while I'm doing the movements?

16:05 - What movements to do when my child's arm gets 'spastic' when bringing their hand to mouth?

23:30 - Amazing Head Control update from a member! 

25:30 - Movements to do if child can sit independently, but still needs better balance.

31:00 - What to do if child automatically pushes back against me, while in sitting. 

37:05 - Fun movement (for children who can sit independently) to 'reset' the head, spine and pelvis, for better balance and to 'free' the pelvis.

50:50 - Struggling with Head Control in sitting, movements to start with.

57:30 - What makes good Head Control? 


See you inside!
XO Jen 

Jen Stewart
(Anat Baniel Method® of Neuromovement® Practitioner) 

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